Praedicat Releases Nekomodel X
Praedicat has launched Nekomodel™ X, the next generation of its probabilistic casualty catastrophe model. Designed to broaden and enrich the underwriting applications of previous model releases, Nekomodel X now facilitates exposure-based pricing and reserving – capabilities previously unavailable to casualty insurers in a scalable way.
Further, Nekomodel X addresses the unprecedented growth of speculative capital flowing into the plaintiffs’ bar, providing the casualty underwriting industry with the transformational technology it needs to grow and thrive in today’s landscape of litigation funding and social inflation.
Click here to read the full press release.
We are pleased to announce that Apollo and Praedicat have entered a three-year engagement in which Apollo will license Praedicat’s CoMeta™ platform. Apollo will employ Praedicat’s industry-leading emerging risk analytics that are designed to identify perils at their earliest stages, quantify commercial exposure, and monitor risk development as scientific evidence and regulatory pressure mount and litigation unfolds. The two companies will also collaborate to develop new emerging risk coverages for Apollo customers.
This promises to be a very exciting partnership full of innovation, and we are very much looking forward to it.
Click here to read the full press release.
The team at Viewpoint produces educational content for Public Television distribution, delivering TV segments that inform viewers on the latest topics and trends impacting the world. When they decided to create an educational documentary TV series – Insurance Technology: The Future of Insurance – they reached out to a select group of InsurTechs to discuss how the insurance industry uses technology to ultimately better the world in which we live. After a rigorous vetting process, Praedicat was selected to appear on Viewpoint, hosted by Dennis Quaid. We are excited to announce that the segment has been completed and is now airing on Public Television in all 50 states.
Click here to learn more.
Risk in the News: Ultraprocessed Foods
Ultraprocessed foods are ready-to-consume, hyper-palatable, low-cost, and, according to critics, designed to replace all other food groups. But are they harming us? And further…are they addictive? Food addiction is a well-studied phenomenon in biomedical literature and is becoming increasingly recognized as a psychological disorder. If that’s the case, will soft drinks, chips and TV dinners eventually display a warning label, similar to those found on tobacco, alcohol and opioids?
In his latest article for Carrier Management, Dr. David Loughran, SVP Head of Product, reminisces about the four basic food groups of the food wheel, discusses the NOVA system of food classification, and considers how food addiction and ultraprocessed foods might land food companies in the hot seat.
Click here to read the Carrier Management article.
Praedicat wins Catastrophe Modeling Firm of the Year
On September 28th at Inside P&C’s Honors award dinner Praedicat was named Catastrophe Modeling Firm of the Year! We could not be prouder, or more thankful, to our clients, investors, and team, for this accomplishment.
When Praedicat started ten years ago we were the first casualty catastrophe modeling firm in the (re)insurance market. Praedicat now works with 9 of the top 10 largest commercial lines underwriters in the US market, an achievement that signifies that casualty catastrophe modeling has definitively come of age.
Praedicat congratulates all the winners, and especially the other short-listed modelers, CyberCube, Karen Clark & Co, and Risk Management Solutions.
Click here to read the full press release.
Experian and Praedicat Collaborate on D&O
While D&O may very well be the caboose of the mass tort train, it is a topic that is front and center for our industry. That is why we are very excited to announce that Experian and Praedicat have collaborated to launch CoMeta® Pro, an unparalleled company and portfolio analysis tool for underwriters of Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance cover for U.S. publicly traded companies.
By combining Experian’s market leading data and risk scoring methodologies with Praedicat’s best-in-class emerging risk and portfolio modeling capabilities, CoMeta Pro delivers an extraordinary forward-looking solution to the D&O market.
Click here to read the full press release.
Risk Framework
Insights on emerging risks are great but taking
action on them is even better.
Let’s move your business from insights to action.
Our Emerging Risk Framework breaks emerging risk into three phases: emerging interest, emerging damage and emerging litigation. Depending on the phase of emergence, our methodology recommends specific business actions to take and who should take them. Because our framework is embedded in Praedicat software – with access to tools like the litigation tracker, company risk score, and library of realistic disaster scenarios – understanding the information is intuitive and taking action is easier than ever.

(Re)Insurance Solutions
You can think of it as the way we help you protect your company from the next asbestos. Or think of it as how we help your company grow. Either way, you’d be right.
When we move our clients from a risk avoidance mindset to one of risk engagement, the opportunity for growth is extraordinary. See how we might work with you to identify emerging risks to accelerate growth.
Global Industrial Solutions
Better products. Safer. Faster…
Better products that are safer for the world and those who live in it, brought to market faster – these product stewardship ideals are at the heart of our global industrial solutions. It’s what happens when we empower our clients to pursue progress, innovation and growth. Come see for yourself.

Praedicat Appearance Calendar
If you are going to be where
we are going to be, let’s be there together!
RVS Monte Carlo
When: September 10th – September 14th
Where: Monte Carlo